Shop Tour part 2 Drill press,workbench,worktable and more tools.
Stuffed in the corner is my Harbor Freight toolbox full of hand tools like screwdrivers, files,chisels, socket set, and open and boxed end wrenches.
The pegboard mounted above allows for hanging hammers, a hack saw, and my 4″x36″ sanding belts.
In the cabinets mounted above the toolbox, I store some fluids for my pickup truck, waxes, WD40, and stains. Also, I keep rubbing alcohol, denatured alcohol and a few spray cans of paint and adhesives.
This is the main workbench in my shop. There are so many projects that are built on this bench. I have two different types of vises,two drill presses,arbor press and many more tools that help me during the start and finish of my projects.
Below the main workbench I store some of the larger tools I have. Tools like a scroll saw,9″ band saw,portable belt sander,wire feed welder,plasma cutter,portable band saw and my second drill press.
This side view of the shops work tables shows a tool post used to hang a Dremel 4000 and a adjustable table cart that I keep pens,pencils,tape measures,remote controls for the TV & stereo. It has also come in handy to put a printer for the computer that really is only used occasionally.
On the work table I have my laptop,anodizer, miscellaneous nut & bolt container and my soldering iron.Below the work table is a few old computers,storage cabinets for the hundreds of fasteners I use and some accessories for my Dremel tools.
An overall view of the work table revels a paper cutter,camera tripod, pegboard for tape, scissors,saw blades, and just all my crap!

If you would like to read more about getting started with the scroll saw you can find more helpful information here
Above the work table is a cabinet that has paints and cleaners I use in my glass work.
Next cabinet over has sandblast supplies like photo resist films and Letralite exposure unit. Air brush,resin dyes and a few other odds & ends up there too!
I have a cabinet I store resin like Alumi Lite,plastic storage containers and the supplies I use for French Polish.
That’s about it in a abbreviated description of this side of my shop.
The next photo below is from the mini-lathe side that I didn’t show in part 1 of the shop tour.Below the 4″x36″ belt sander id a drawer that I keep some rock polishing supplies and tools.
Here is the hand built rock polisher that I use. It slides in and out of the cabinet for storage. I am able to polish glass,granite,river rocks,marble using several types of diamond pads.
I have a video show ing how I use this tool on you tube.Click here to watch it now!
The rock polisher is 220 volt with a 110volt contactor for the control. I simply hook up a power cord to a foot switch to turn on & off so I can hold on to my work piece with both hands.
One end of my shop has a deep well mop sink,hot water heater with a little storage below.
There are about 10 spray bottles with cleaning supplies hanging next to the sink.
As a continued part of what I do is my office and computer desk which is one of the spare bedrooms in my house.
The entertainment center has my stereo,tv and books.
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